Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Updates!

Not to the blog of course. That would require creative effort, something I really do not have the patience for.

What requires little to no effort, however, is making a Facebook site and a website from one of those free website makers. Which is exactly what I did this week instead of studying for my Personal Finance blahblahblah bullcrap class. Pretty sure us broke people should be exempt from any sort of finance courses, since we have no money to finance. Whatever that is.

But anyway.

Check out the new and (hopefully) improved website for Tristar Rabbits at tristarrabbits.weebly.com!

And while you're at it, hope on over to the brand spankin' new Facebook page as well at facebook.com/tristarrabbits. Go ahead and Like the page while you're at it, since happiness for us technology generation kids is measured in Facebook Likes. Or do what most people do and just go ahead and stalk the crap outta my page. I won't judge.

Believe it or not, I have SO many fun and exciting bunny things I'd love to blog about- genetic arrhythmias and hip dysplasia in English Lops, culling for body type in Tans, my first respiratory Pasteurella case (NEVER AGAIN), and as a bonus, all the fun farm-y type things I've been up to at my new college (Watched a baby cow be born last week. No big deal.). Unfortunately, being busy with the new school year means the blog is gonna have to be put on the back burner, per usual. Not like I update this thing ever anyway, so at least no one will be disappointed!

So anyway, go ahead and check out the new websites, and while you're at it, buy my for sale bunnies because I need room for juniors and culling still makes me cry.