Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baby Tans! + foster puppies

I'm not the best at keeping up with blogging apparently. To make up for all my nonexistent entries, here's a post full of baby bunny and puppy photos!

Wool Creek's Mad Hatter kindled 3 kits on April 18, two blacks and one little chocolate. The babies are feisty as can be and getting non-blurry pictures of them has proven quite the challenge.

Eyes still shut at 10 day old:

Here are the babies in all their cuteness at 2 1/2 weeks.
Something tells me the chocolate is going to be quite the clown. ;) 

Going from long-earred English Lops to the little prick-earred Tan babies has been quite the experience. While very sweet, these babies are already super active and would much rather run around than sit and puddle for head rubs, unlike my previous litters of English Lops. I'm still very much enjoying my Tan project, but I've made the decision to sell off my Tan stock this fall to prepare to go back to school; I'm sure I'll pick up some more of this cool breed sometime in the future when I'm ready to get back into rabbits full time.

In other non-bunny related news, I began my new job at a vet office this past January.... and promptly brought home a homeless puppy "just for the night". Vixen stayed with me for about a month before going to live with some family friends who are absolutely in love with her.

With Vixen gone, my poor pup Nova seemed a bit depressed about no longer having a playmate, so I agreed to foster puppies for a local rescue. Enter Delilah, a scrawny, oddly-proportioned pit mix who, over the course of two months, turned into a happy, well-mannered, and most importantly healthy pup. She was adopted two weeks ago and I couldn't be more ecstatic. Mostly because I'm happy she got a home, but I'm also a little bit relieved order has been restored to the house. Though not a bad dog at all, Delilah was definitely way too intense for what I'm used to; having a puppy in the house who didn't have an "off switch" was just a little crazy.

I've really enjoyed my venture into being a puppy foster, but I'm definitely taking a break for now as my baby bunnies grow and need more care and attention. Nova is getting lonely again, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I bring home another pup to visit.

My rabbitry website desperately needs updated, and I have a few plans for my English Lops that need to be revealed. Hopefully I'll get myself in gear and get all that updated!